
Communication from Human Rights Defenders Plus on the Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan

HRD+ has been closely monitoring the report and speech of Mr. Richard Bennett at the 55th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. The Special Rapporteur has been diligently observing the overall human rights situation in Afghanistan and has presented a comprehensive report to the international community. This report highlights the dire situation of women’s rights and human rights, restriction on women education, and access to social rights for citizens, respect for social and ethnic groups, vulnerable groups including LGBTQI, and the distressing situation of killings, torture, and harassment of former government employees.
The report urges the international community to prioritize human rights in Afghanistan as the most crucial component of their agenda and to strive for supporting human rights in Afghanistan. The Special Rapporteur calls on the international community to take effective measures to reduce mortality and hunger and provide assistance to the deserving people of Afghanistan.
The Special Rapporteur also emphasizes the need for the Afghan de facto administration to pay attention to human rights in Afghanistan and to refrain from widespread human rights violations.
HRD+ is committed to incorporating the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur into its programs and working towards promoting them. HRD+ extensively utilizes the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur in its advocacy programs.
While supporting the tireless efforts of the Special Rapporteur, HRD+ calls on the international community, civil society organizations, activists, and human rights defenders to take necessary actions to implement the recommendations of this report.

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